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Responsible disclosure

Have you found a weak point? Let us know as soon as possible!

At FOYS, we consider the security of our systems, our network and our products, of utmost importance. Despite the great care we take regarding security, weak points can still remain. If you have found such a weakness, we would like to hear about it as soon as possible so that we can take appropriate measures as quickly as possible.

Weak points can be discovered in two ways: you can accidentally come upon something during the normal use of a digital environment, or you can explicitly do your best to find them.

Our responsible disclosure policy is not an invitation to actively scan our business network to discover weak points. We monitor our business network ourselves. This means that there is a high chance that a scan will be detected, and that an investigation will be performed by our team, which could result in unnecessary costs.

Our responsibility to our customers means that our intention is not to encourage hacking attempts on the FOYS Application; however, we would like to hear from you as quickly as possible if vulnerabilities are found, so that we can resolve them adequately.

We would like to work with you to better be able to protect our customers and our systems.

We ask that you:

  • E-mail your findings as quickly as possible to [email protected].
  • Do not abuse the vulnerability; for example, by downloading, editing or deleting data. We will always take your report seriously and investigate any suspicions of a vulnerability, even without proof.
  • Do not share the problem with others until it has been resolved.
  • Do not make use of attacks on physical security, of social engineering or hacking tools, such as vulnerability scanners.
  • Give adequate information for the problem to be reproduced so that we can resolve it as quickly as possible. Usually, the IP address or the URL of the affected system and a description of the vulnerability are enough, although more information might be necessary for more complex vulnerabilities.

What we promise:

  • We will respond to your report within five business days, with our evaluation of the report and an expected resolution date.
  • We will handle your report confidentially, and will not share your personal information with third parties without your permission. An exception to this is the police and judiciary in the event of prosecution or if information is demanded.
  • We will keep you informed of the progress of the solution to the problem.
  • In communication about the reported problem, we will state your name as the party that discovered the problem, if you wish.
  • It is unfortunately not possible to guarantee in advance that no legal action will be taken against you. We hope to be able to consider each situation individually. We consider ourselves morally obligated to report you if we suspect the weakness or data are being abused, or that you have shared knowledge of the weakness with others. You can rest assured that an accidental discovery in our online environment will not lead to prosecution.
  • We strive to resolve all problems as quickly as possible, to keep all involved parties informed and we would like to be involved in any publication about the problem once it is resolved.

With thanks to Floor Terra for his sample text in Dutch on http://responsibledisclosure.nl/